£30 B&Q Glass Panel + Brackets, (L)1015×(W)164×(T)34mm Nice Design (Hand Tools)


B&Q Glass Panel + Brackets, (L)1015×(W)164×(T)34mm

Okay so you are searching the internet for a DIY product and have come to the world famous drawer-runners.co.uk to help you out. Well fear not my dear DIY goods searcher as the B&Q Glass Panel + Brackets, (L)1015×(W)164×(T)34mm might just be the luxury item you have been looking for? Below you can find all the information about B&Q Glass Panel + Brackets, (L)1015×(W)164×(T)34mm and if you wanted to find out more or just buy it today you can follow instructions of how to do so.

8mm glass panel, Toughened glass panel manufactured to British standards, Fix into the hardwood round rail using the brackets and screws supplied, This balustrade system is tested to UK Building regulations in accordance with British Standards., Safe for ground use and raised level decks up to and more than 6mm above the ground (installed in accordance with the fitting instructions)